Last updated on July 16, 2024.

University of Washington, Seattle

Program Size
Program Length
24 months
Application Deadline
September 15
Program Start
July 1

Program Contact

Dr. Thomas Tanbonliong Program Director
University of Washington, The Center for Pediatric Dentistry, 6222 NE 74th Street, Seattle, Washington, 98115
Apply Now

The Graduate Program in Pediatric Dentistry fulfills the requirements for advanced education in pediatric dentistry as approved by the ADA Commission on Accreditation. In this program, both a Master of Science degree and a Certificate in the Specialty of Pediatric Dentistry are awarded.

This program is a unique partnership between the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Washington and the Department of Dentistry at Seattle Children's Hospital (SCH). Through the facilities and programs of each institution, diversified educational experiences are offered that emphasize comprehensive oral health care for pediatric, adolescent and medically, mentally and emotionally complex patients from western Washington and across the state. A multidisciplinary approach permeates the educational, research and service components of this specialty program.

The program is located in The Center for Pediatric Dentistry (CPD) is a facility with 14 dental chairs, 2 quiet rooms, and 3 operating rooms. It serves the combined needs of the University of Washington’s Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Seattle Children’s Department of Dentistry, with an estimated 30,000 patient visits per year.


Clinical experiences are distributed throughout the curriculum. These experiences occur in a variety of settings: Outpatient clinics at SCH and at the CPD (which also includes the Autism clinic, the Medically Complex Patient clinic, Sedation clinic, predoc teaching clinic, and the continuity resident clinic); orthodontics clinic occurs on the main UW dental school campus; operating rooms are located at the CPD and the main SCH campus; subspecialty medical rotations occur at SCH and at SCH's non-hospital Autism Center; a rotation with LEND fellows and faculty at the UW Center for Human Development and Disability; and a community clinic rotation at the Odessa Brown Children's Clinic in central Seattle.

The program includes: pediatric dentistry seminars, biostatistics, epidemiology, orthodontic theory, orofacial biology, dental radiology, dental photography, applied psychology, research, scientific methodology, oral histology, dental traumatology, pulp therapy, behavior management, dental and oral care for special health care needs patients, orthodontics, pediatric oral pathology, restorative, cariology, infant oral health, and principles of sedation and general anesthesia. Education and experience in sedation and anesthesia are provided through courses and clinical rotations. A four-week clinical rotation in general anesthesia is supervised jointly by the UW Department of Anesthesiology at SCH and UW anesthesiologists at the CPD. Medical rotations include cardiology, oncology, hematology, and the craniofacial clinic at SCH. 

The Graduate Program in Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Washington is designed to satisfy the academic requirements necessary to award the Master of Science in Dentistry to its graduates. Research experience begins in the first quarter of the curriculum with a review of potential research topics from a list generated by the faculty. Structured research requirements continue throughout the academic period. A research proposal is developed, approved, implemented, completed and a thesis is submitted that leads to the master's degree (MSD).

Program Information

Program Type Pediatric Dentistry
Program Code PED350
Degrees Offered Certificate, Masters
Program Size 5
Program Length 24 months
Application Deadline September 15
Program Start Date July 1
Supplemental Application No
Supplemental Fee Yes
Stipend Offered Yes
Match Participating Yes
Program Website

Application Requirements

Required Standardized Tests

  • NBDE1
  • NBDE2

Supplemental Requirements

  • Requires supplemental fee

International Student Eligibility

This program will consider applicants who graduated, or plan to graduate, from a non-CODA accredited dental school: Other - Contact the program

Applicants are eligible to enroll if they are:

  • US Citizen
  • US Permanent Resident
  • Canadian Citizen
  • Canadian Permanent Resident

Additional Information

We require that you send directly to us: a 2x2 photo, our signed , Waiver statement, a current CV (if different than the one in your PASS application, and an application fee of $50 in the form of a check or money order made out to "UW Pediatric Dentistry." Send to:

Cheryl Shaul

Center for Pediatric Dentistry

6222 NE 74th St.

Seattle, WA  98115